Monday, November 2, 2009

Girls Edcation

The following indicators on girls' education are available through EdStats and are useful for a wide array of research needs.

* Gender-disaggregated Education Profiles
It provides multi-level education data differentiated by gender, including primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education as well as overall literacy of the population. Additionally, information on educational access trends for individual countries and comparative graphs for countries within the same income group is available through this site.
* Girls as percentage of total enrollment, primary
* Girls as percentage of total enrollment, secondary
* Adult female as percentage of total enrollment, tertiary
* Gender parity index (GPI)
* Primary school entry age
* Primary school age
* Secondary school entry age
* Secondary school age
* Returns to education by level of education and gender

What other data resources on girls' education are available through the World Bank?

Millennium Development Goals (MDG)

Promote gender equality and empower women - Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and to all levels of education no later than 2015. Access data and charts on

* Regional charts on girls' enrollment at school
* Gender disparity in school enrollment
* Gender disparity in labor market
* Gender disparity in decision-making positions
* Map on ratio of girls to boys schooling

Achieve universal primary education - Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. Access information on

* Regional charts on primary completion rates
* Charts on primary school enrollments
* Map on primary school completion

GenderStats is an electronic database of gender statistics and indicators compiled by the World Bank. Data sources for GenderStats include national statistics, United Nations databases, and World Bank-conducted or funded surveys. The data in each module is presented in ready-to-use format. The database coverage has been expanded to include themes that range from health and education to political participation and poverty.

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